Tahun 1 [7]: Basic shapes

1. Title:

Basic shapes


2. Objectives  10.1.1

Pupils will able to Identify the basic shapes i.e. triangle, square, rectangle
and circle.

3. Notes:

There are many shapes in this world. Today we will learn to identify 4 types of basic shapes

a) Rectangle

b) Square

c) Triangle 

d) Circle

Please watch this video

>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji8vsdXHYR4


4. Questions:

Please answer questions below


1. provide a piece of blank / white paper
2. Please write the student's name and class name
3. draw and name the newly learned basic shapes
4. take pictures of student work
5, send to teacher whatsapp number.

1. sedian sekeping kertas kosong/putih
2. sila tulis nama nama dan kelas murid
3. lukis dan namakan bentuk asas yang baru dipelajari
4. ambil gambar hasil kerja murid
5, hantar ke no.whatsapp guru.

Thank you

dlim edu