Tahun 1[2]: The importance of objects that can absorb water

1. Title:

The importance of objects that can absorb water


2. Objectives: 8.1.4

Pupils can State the importance of objects that can absorb water and cannot absorb water in life.

3. Notes:

The importance of objects that CAN absorb water in daily life;

1. Using TISSUE PAPER to wipe sweat

2. Using MOP to dry the wet floor

3. Using TOWEL to wipe her wet hand

The Importance of objects that CANNOT absorb Water in daily life;
1. Using umbrella on rainy day

2. Using car  windshield protects us from rain

3. Fill drinking water into the cup


Please Watch video below [link provided];

>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3hpJTylLLQ


4. Evaluations:  

Please answer questions provided by following this link

>>> https://forms.gle/eM6Vbea8iqX8eSaQ6

Terima kasih

Dlim edu